High School Counseling & Career Center
School Counselors are uniquely qualified to address the developmental needs of all students through a comprehensive school counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students.
The Role of the School Counselor
American School Counselor Association
The McCall-Donnelly Counseling and Career Center has many resources available to help students during their high school years and in planning for their future. Please use resources on this webpage, or contact an MDHS counselor for additional information. Parents and students are also encouraged to come into the center and meet with us.
Our school counselors are available to meet with students regarding personal/social concerns, academics, and college/career choices. Our goal is to support students and provide them with the resources they need to be successful. For more information on the role of the school counselor, please read this article: Counselor's Role.

Meagan McGree - mmcgree@mdsd.org
Counselor - Class of 2028 (Freshman), and Class of 2026 (Juniors)

Kate McMahan - kmcmahan@mdsd.org
Counselor - Class of 2025 (Seniors), Class of 2027 (Sophomores)

Dan Wheeler - dwheeler@mdsd.org
Registrar & Dual Credit Coordinator